Too big for his shoes?

31 May 2017 09:39 am Views - 2747


There is a chief purohita who ignores invitations to attend official conferences summoned by the members of the top team at the centre. 


This provincial bigwig appointed to high office quite recently keeps away from official meetings convened even by the top team member in charge of the subject, they say.

The uppity of the chief purohita who treats the political authorities at the centre with disdain was a subject that triggered an animated discussion at a recent meeting at the top table. It was the Field Marshall who set the ball rolling and he was followed by the team members in charge of the subjects of Mega Polis and the provincial affairs who opined that the chief purohita had grown too big for his shoes. 

Number One, after giving an attentive ear to the complaints by the team members had advised them to send their official requests through the governor. “If he continues to ignore the official requests sent through the governor, I will deal with him myself,” he assured them.