For him the bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

5 February 2015 05:09 am Views - 2022

Many Diyawanna members who once switched their allegiance to the Betel Leaf are now making overtures to the Green party leaders hoping for a welcome return to the fold.

Meanwhile, some politicos are said to be striking bizarre deals in a bid to brighten their political prospects.

For instance, a senior Green party politico gone into involuntary retirement following his defeat at the last Parliamentary elections had approached a young former Green Diyawanna member now turned Blue with a strange proposal. “Look here, son”, he addressed the young politico. “ Parliamentary general elections are only three months away. If I can enter the fray as a Minister, my chances of winning will be much better. Can’t you stand down to make way for me to enter the Diyawanna council? I consider it a great favour.  If you give way, my becoming a Minister is just a matter of course!”

The senior politico also assured the young one that he will return the favour with a huge bonus after the coming elections. “You will never   regret doing me this favour,” he added.

It did not take long for the young politico to say a firm ‘no’ to this request.  After all, he knew one bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.