He used state funds to develop his own coconut estates!

10 June 2015 05:16 am Views - 4985

This Ministerial one of the previous regime from Uva bears a name with a reference to flowers. The name of the electorate he is looking after too refers to flowers.

Prior to getting Ministerial office, this politico, metaphorically speaking a stranger to flowers, struggled on thorns. Blooming fast after becoming a Ministerial one, he had turned a new chapter in his life as a landed proprietor, an owner of several coconut plantations.

The largest coconut estate he owns is located in an area north of the Wayamba Province – within the coconut triangle.

During his hay day in politics, he had obtained state funds purportedly to rehabilitate several state-owned coconut plantations under a coconut development project. And the politico had instead used the state funds to develop his own coconut estates, they say.

State-owned coconut plantations employees who stumbled on the secret have now sent petitions to the authorities and a high-powered probe into the affair is in the offing.