57th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Maldives

26 July 2022 10:02 am Views - 332

Message from the President of the Republic of Maldives His Excellency Ibrahim Mohamed Solih on the Auspicious Occasion of the 57th Anniversary of Independence

On the joyous occasion of the 57th Anniversary of Independence, I would like to convey warm greetings and my best wishes to all Maldivians, especially to Maldivians residing in Sri Lanka.
Our anniversary of independence also coincides with the 57th anniversary of formally establishing diplomatic relations between the Maldives and Sri Lanka. Therefore, let me also take this opportunity to convey my sincere felicitations and warm greetings to the Government and the friendly people of Sri Lanka on the occasion, and acknowledge their continued assistance and close collaboration with the Maldives on a wide array of mutually shared interests.

As we celebrate this year’s Independence Day, we find ourselves working on recovering our economies from the damages caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. During the last two years, the Maldives and Sri Lanka have been able to uphold and strengthen our relationship further in efforts to overcome our common challenges. I am confident that this same spirit of mutual understanding and togetherness will reaffirm the liberties enjoyed by our people with regard to social protection and economic stability.

I wish for continued mutual trust in revitalizing the economy and increase prosperity for both our countries and its people. I also remain confident that our shared bonds will be further enhanced in the years ahead and contribute to upholding peace and harmony in our region.

During these challenging and transformative times, I would like to reiterate my assurance that the Maldives stands firmly with the friendly people of Sri Lanka as they embark upon reinvigorating efforts towards nation building.
On this auspicious occasion of marking the historical event of signing of the Declaration of Independence of Maldives in Colombo 57 years ago, let me extend my sincere appreciation to the leaders and the people of Sri Lanka for the close collaboration and unwavering support rendered to the Maldives on multiple fronts over the years. I hope for our ties to go from strength to strength in the future.


Message by His Excellency Abdulla Shahid Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Maldives on the occasion of the 57th Anniversary of Independence Day of the Maldives

As we mark the auspicious occasion of the 57th Anniversary of Independence Day of Maldives, I wish to extend sincere greetings and good wishes to all Maldivian nationals residing in Sri Lanka.

Although these are difficult times for such celebrations, the true spirit of our independence and the happiness it brings to all Maldivians remains unchanged. Be it at home or abroad. This is a momentous occasion to recall the many developmental progress the country has witnessed throughout its independence, for which the credit goes to its people and generous support from the international community. The Maldives greatly appreciates the support and cooperation extended by our very close and friendly neighbor, Sri Lanka. The historical, cultural and commercial links we have shared through our age-old relationship have greatly benefitted both countries through trade, culture and investments.

On this special occasion let me also extend my sincere appreciation to the leaders and the friendly peoples of Sri Lanka for the close cooperation and unwavering support extended to the Maldives at all times. I would also like to express my gratitude to the Government of Sri Lanka for ensuring the well-being of Maldivians residing in Sri Lanka, especially during these challenging times in Sri Lanka.

The Maldives gives great importance to its longstanding bonds of friendship and cooperation with Sri Lanka. The time-tested and excellent relations between the two countries have been, and continue to be mutually beneficial to our peoples, and I look forward to further enhancement of our bilateral relations as well in working together on regional and international issues for the mutual benefit of our two counties.


Message by His Excellency Abdul Ghafoor Mohamed Acting High Commissioner of the Republic of Maldives to the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka on the occasion of the 57th Anniversary of Independence Day of the Maldives

Independence Day is marked as a celebration of unity, peace and harmony. As we celebrate the joyous occasion of our 57th Anniversary of Independence Day, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt greetings and best wishes to His Excellency President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, Minister of Foreign Affairs, His Excellency Abdulla Shahid, the Government and people of Maldives, especially to the Maldivians residing here in Sri Lanka. Coincidentally, today also marks the 57th anniversary of the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between Maldives and Sri Lanka. It is therefore, with much delight that I send warm greetings of the happy occasion to the Government and the people of Sri Lanka, whilst acknowledging the mutually shared close cooperation and unwavering support exchanged between our countries.

Maldives and Sri Lanka share a historical relationship that dates much further back than the official establishment of diplomatic relations 57 years ago. Indeed, for many Maldivians, Sri Lanka has become a second home, residing in the country for health and education purposes, while many more regularly visit the country to spend their holidays and enjoy the beauty and hospitality of its people. Maldivians have also greatly benefited from the invaluable contributions made by the many Sri Lankans who reside in the Maldives serving in the different sectors of our economy, especially in health and education. Our close collaboration on many fronts over the years have resulted in enhanced cooperation in several fields.

The social and economic challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic to our peoples and economies continue to cast a daunting shadow over our countries.  Today, as Sri Lanka faces formidable challenges in reviving its economy, we remain confident in the resiliency of its people and the goodwill of the international community. As friend and neighbor, Maldives stands resolutely with the people of Sri Lanka, as they endeavor to overcome their obstacles with positive energy, kindness, compassion and empathy.

As we celebrate the historical event of the signing of the Declaration of Independence of Maldives in Colombo, Sri Lanka, 57 years ago, let me extend my sincere appreciation to the leadership of and the peoples of Sri Lanka for the excellent ties of friendship and cooperation that continue to exist between the Maldives and Sri Lanka.

Thank you.