Amana Takaful Life affirms commitment to children with ‘Adhyapana Plus’

8 August 2019 04:01 pm Views - 399

Amana Takaful Life PLC (ATL) has renewed its commitment to the future of its policyholders’ children through ‘Adhyapana Plus’, a unique child education policy that provides for an uninterrupted education plan for the child in the event the family is faced with an unfortunate demise of the insurer. ATL ‘Adhyapana Plus’ assures long-term protection, savings and investment to help finance the child's higher education. 

ATL ‘Adhyapana Plus’ offers a host of benefits including comprehensive hospitalisation for the child up to LKR100,000, A critical illness cover for 30 ailments for both the insured and the spouse, additional family protection and personal accident cover (up to 5 times of basic cover), life cover for the spouse and many other benefits. ‘Adhyapana Plus’ also encourages children to excel in their studies by rewarding high achievers with scholarships based on their results in the Grade 5 Scholarship Exam, G.C.E Ordinary Level Exam and upon entry to a state university.

With the aim of fostering the creative talents of the children of the Adhyapana Plus policyholders, while also celebrating “World Children’s Day 2019”, ATL has organized the ATL “Adhyapana Plus” Children’s Day Art Competition 2019. The competition will provide a platform for children to win exciting prizes by showcasing their artistic abilities. It also encourages them to express themselves using art, providing parents with the opportunity to nurture the creative talent in their children.

In today’s competitive world, the cost of quality education continues to increase, meaning parents have to plan ahead and build up savings for their children’s education. Having to work extra hard and put in long hours in their efforts to guarantee a brighter future for their children. Unfortunately, this results in them spending less time with their children and leads to a drastic drop in quality family time. Encouraging children to take part in extra curricular activities such as art or sport is a good way to engage with them and build closer bonds. The simple act of drawing or painting during free time will help children explore new ways of expressing themselves and discover more about their hidden talents, Helping them gain confidence and see the world in a more positive light, an significant aspect in producing balanced individuals.

The ATL ‘Adhyapana Plus’ Children’s Day Art Competition 2019 is open to all ATL ‘Adhyapana Plus’ policyholders throughout the island and is one of several new initiatives ATL has lined up to reward their loyal policyholders. The competition will be held under three age categories with a different theme for each category. The theme for the 3 to 6 year age category is “My Family”, 7 to 12 year category is “What I want to be when I grow up” and 13 to 15 year category is “We are all Sri Lankans”. Contestants have the freedom to choose any colouring material of their choice to demonstrate their creativity on an unfolded white A4 sheet. 

An expert panel consisting of leading artists will pick the winners who will be felicitated in Colombo in October. The winners across all 3 categories will be presented with exciting prizes, including bicycles and other giveaways.

Expressing his views, Gehan Rajapakse – Chief Executive Officer, ATL Life stated, “We are a company that believes in fostering the talent of all children. In today's fast-paced world, children rarely have the time to sit and express themselves through art. This competition will help parents encourage their children to reveal their artistic side and in the process hopefully win a prize for their efforts." He added that Adhyapana Plus would ensure that a child's dreams are fulfilled. "If by any chance, the policyholder passes away, ATL will step in to take over the payments to ensure that the child's financial requirements are met at the end of the term of the plan so that your child has the best chance of succeeding in life," he concluded.

All entries should be marked “ATL Life Art Competition” on the top left hand corner, and sent via register post to, The Manager - Life Insurance, Amana Takaful Life PLC, No.660-1/1, Galle Road, Colombo 3; to reach on or before 23rd August 2019. Entries can also be handed over to any ATL branch. Further information about the competition can be obtained by calling the ATL Help Desk on 011-750-1063 during office hours.