Combining Sports with Strong Principles - RAISE III to target Schools to enhance Awareness on the th

5 February 2019 12:34 pm Views - 1197

UTO EduConsult together with Munchee, My Friend Foundation and several other organisations will organise RAISE III – A Schools Awareness Programme on 7th February 2019 followed by an Invitation Schools Futsal Tournament.

RAISE III will continue the trend set at the previous two instalments of what has become an annual event, where some of the more compelling issues facing the youth of the country were discussed by experts in their respective fields; for instance, the ills of Social Media, Drugs in Sports et al. The theme for this year’s event will be “RESPECT”, which has been a cornerstone of the campaign by world footballing body, FIFA, for the past several years. Whilst FIFA was mainly targeting Racism in Football, the term “Respect” transcends many aspects of the lives of individuals, especially the student population. For instance, Respect for Parents, Teachers, Fellow Students and Peers are all attributes that should be inculcated among the youth at a very young age. 

The eminent panel of luminaries would shed light and inspire the attendees on the captioned subject: RESPECT.  The panel will include Julian Bolling – SAF Swimming Gold Medalist & Head Coach of Rainbow Aquatics Swimming Academy, Kushil Gunasekera – Founder / Chief Trustee, Foundation of Goodness, Rohan De Silva – Former National Tennis Champion & Non-Playing Captain Mens’ Davis Cup Team 2018 ,Fouzul Hameed- MD, Hameedia Group & Co-Founder, My Friend Foundation & Thariq Thulba – Past District Governor, Rotary International District 3220 who will Moderate the discussions. The General Manager Marketing Surani Sahabandu of Ceylon Biscuits Limited further reiterated, “As a 100% Sri Lankan brand, Munchee has come forward with Munchee Herbal to partner with UTO to create an awareness among the youth on the ills of social media & drugs in sports which have engulfed the school children in a rather negative aspect. Munchee being crowned as the Best Marketing Company in Asia, has from the inception cared & nurtured the community as one of our best practices. So we look forward to spearheading causes of this nature with more intensity & momentum in the future”.


Students from several schools across the country are expected to participate in this programme along with their teachers, coaches et al. A unique addition in RAISE III will be the introduction of a competition among schools to develop a programme that would serve to inculcate the main Theme of the event, RESPECT. It would almost a year long programme, with mini-milestones and mentors for guidance. The winners of the event will be announced at RIASE IV in early 2019.


With the interest witnessed among the schools for Futsal continuing to increase, the event organisers will host a Futsal Tournament. Whilst the 2018 edition witnessed only International Schools, national schools could also participate if they wish to do so. The event, scheduled for 9th of February 2019, does not entail any fee to participate and would witness two categories: the Over 16’s and the Under 16’s. Schools are invited to nominate their teams for this tournament which we believe would also be an ideal platform to showcase their talents and the passion for the game.  A team will comprise of 6 players and upto 3 reserve players. We believe an event of this nature, given the subject matter, is one of critical importance and it is our fervent hope that as many stakeholders, including corporate entities, embrace this as part of their responsibility to society at large.For inquiries you may contact 0770458659 or or visit