Deepal’s Inward Bound proves effective in the corporate world

13 March 2018 10:50 am Views - 1751

Deepal Sooriyaarachchi presented a copy of his book titled Inward Bound for Mindful Living to Ven Ajahan Brahm during his recent visit to Sri Lanka. He interviewed Ajahn Brahm on Mindfulness and many related topics and can be viewed on under the caption Tough Questions to Ajahn Brahm.

Inward Bound was first published in UK and subsequently released as a Sarasavi publication making it more affordable to the local reader.Written in a very simple language Deepal explores the topic of Mindfulness, how to practice it by busy executives and shares a number of deep insights that can be gained by the practice.  The book has been well received by the readers as evidenced by the responses given below;

“In a constantly rushed and stressed world that attempts to impress the outwards, Deepal’s books took me inwards, helped me step back and focus on the now, this very moment. Written in a simple and humble manner (much like the author), [I] strongly recommend this book especially for Corporate Executives suffering from the ‘busy-ness’ syndrome. This book made me think, reflect, and ponder. Hilmy Cader, CEO, MTI Consulting

“I read your book and learnt a lesson - one officer who is in the grade of AssistantManager  always annoys me , he uses the authority   of an Officer of the higher management .He uses his powers on us. Whenever I see him, even in the morning, I get angry with him which disturbs me the whole day.But after reading your book I tried to see some good things about him. Once he was sick, and   I went to him and asked about his sickness, this simple act changed his attitude towards me” an employee of a leading organization.


I have read your book Inward Bounda few months back and realized how such asimple concept could have such a huge potential. I have read a couple of other books on the same vertical but the simplicity itself in the book made me really embrace the entire concept. Sandagomi Jeewapadma, Mobitel Pvt Ltd

This simple and pragmatic, yeteasy concepts capture many key aspects of our daily lives that Deepal has highlighted in the form of short but powerful stories.

What makes it powerful is his sharing of personal mastery techniques on how each of them can be well managed for our greater success and fulfilment. Dr Michael Heah, ICF Master Certified Coach.