Message by the High Commissioner on the occasion of National Day of Pakistan 23rd March 2023

23 March 2023 10:07 am Views - 223

It is with great pleasure that, on the auspicious occasion of the National Day of Pakistan, I am conveying a message of peace, harmony and best wishes to all Sri Lankans from the people and Government of Pakistan.

23rd March 1940 is the most significant day in the history of Pakistan. On this day, the Muslims of South Asia launched their struggle for obtaining an independent homeland Pakistan.

Since her independence, despite several challenges, Pakistan has steadily progressed. The Government of Pakistan, cognizant of our enormous national potential, has consistently pursued the country’s journey to peace and prosperity through an elaborate social and economic development agenda. Sri Lanka is one of the first countries with which Pakistan established diplomatic relations. This historic relationship has nurtured into a strong friendship in seven and half decades, as this year 2023, marks 75th year of friendship between Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

It is a matter of great satisfaction that mutually beneficial relations, rooted in history, have become truly multi-dimensional, covering fields of public diplomacy, economy, defence and security, culture, education and sports etc.

I would take this opportunity to invite Sri Lankan investors to integrate themselves in the unfolding socio-economic revolution in Pakistan. It is an ideal opportunity for Sri Lankan entrepreneurs to explore new vistas of cooperation between the two countries. This will be a bilaterally beneficial venture for both countries especially given the need of the hour to develop sustainable economic activities.

On behalf of the Government and people of Pakistan, let me reiterate Pakistan’s continued commitment and support to the Government and people of Sri Lanka in their endeavours for achieving a bright and prosperous future for their beautiful country.

Availing this opportunity, I would like to extend our best wishes to the people, its leadership and the Democratic Government of Sri Lanka a continued progress, peace, national unity, reconciliation and harmony in the years ahead.

Long Live Pakistan-Sri Lanka Friendship!