Nestlé shines at Effie Awards with 6 wins for Maggi, Nestomalt, Milo and Nangrow

17 October 2018 04:32 pm Views - 2172

Nestlé swept the board at the recent Effie Awards, clinching six wins for its Maggi, Nestomalt, Milo and Nangrow brands. It was the most awarded F&B company at the event, recording the highest number of wins within the industry.

Nestlé was the only company to win awards for Media Innovation, clinching a Silver Award for Nestomalt Mobile Tug O’ War and a Finalist Award for the Milo 16th Man Cheer-Line. Nestlé was also the highest ranked company in the Packaged Food category, winning a Bronze Award for its Maggi Coconut Milk Powder “WelawaIthurui,Adaraya Uthurai”(Save Time and Let the Love Flow) campaign, and Finalist Awards for its Maggi Noodles Recipe Campaign and Maggi Daiya Chicken Noodles Challenge. Nestlé also won a Finalist Award in the Beverages category for its Nangrow Building Blocks campaign. 

Said Shivani Hegde, Nestlé Managing Director: “We’re truly proud to bethe most awarded F&B company at the 2018 Effie Awards. Our consumers are always at the heart of all we do, and we are constantly looking for ways to engage and communicate with them in ways that are meaningful, relevant and of value. We’re not only looking to tell our brand stories in an authentic way, but also to connect with our consumers and show them how our brands can genuinely enhance their lives.All of the Nestlé campaigns that won had one common factor - an integrated marketing communications approach that took our storytelling to where our consumers are. We’re honoured to have our strong consumer-centric focus recognised, and look forward to continuously raising the bar along with our Agency partners.” 

The company accepted the awards for Media Innovation with its media agency partner Geometry Media, and the awards for the Packaged Food category and Beverages category with its creative agency partner Publicis. 

Nestlé was recently named the ‘Most Effective Food Marketer’ in the world for the third year running, based on the Effie Effectiveness Index 2018. The prestigious global Effie Index measures the impact of marketing campaigns around the world. Nestlé topped the food advertiser’s group, with 98 Effie Awards worldwide as a result of standout campaigns. 

The Effie Awards are known by advertisers and agencies globally as the pre-eminent award in the industry. It recognises all forms of marketing communication that contribute to a brand’s success, and awards ideas that work. In Sri Lanka, it is organised annually by SLIM (Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing).