6 November 2019 01:47 pm Views - 551
With its vision to recognise and appreciate teachers for their invaluable efforts, Rainco (Pvt.) Ltd commemorated World Teacher’s Day for the third consecutive year.
The company held its annual Teacher’s Day celebrations at Sapugahamara Kanishta Vidyalaya, Narawelpitiya, Hakmana, Matara, where students received an opportunity to felicitate their teachers.
The theme for this year was aptly titled ‘Gurni Obayi Ma Lowa Payu Hiru’, which wholeheartedly compares teachers to the sun, implying that they light-up the world of their students.
The campaign called on the audience to share their own stories, about teachers who had touched their lives. This drive saw an overwhelming multitude of nominations, and the highly appealing submission from Sapugahamara Kanishta Vidyalaya, Narawelpitiya, Hakmana, Matara was selected.
The colourful event held at Sapugahamara Kanishta Vidyalaya, along with its multiple segments saw all teachers receive gifts of appreciation from Rainco’s , and apart from this, the company was able to fulfil most requirements of children as well.
“The teacher holds equal relevance to any child’s life as their own parent, taking on the responsibility not of just one, two or three children, but entire classrooms full at every moment of every day. We at Rainco understand the devotion and sacrifice teachers make in their lives to make sure that every child sees success and prosperity in their future,” commented Janani Amaratunga, Senior Marketing Manager of Rainco (Pvt.) Ltd.
Understanding the vital role played by teachers in moulding generations with morals and imparting everlasting values in every student’s life and realising how scarcely they are appreciated for their incalculable efforts in paving a purposeful path for the betterment of every child’s future, Rainco (Pvt.) Ltd has always strived to bring society’s underappreciated educators to the limelight through many successful initiatives.
In further recognition of teachers, Rainco has annually been designing and launching a special umbrella collection called ‘Guru Panduru’. The company has always been, and continues to be driven by its purpose to enrich the lives of all those who touch their brand, as well as those who are touched by the brand, every day. It is with this understanding that Rainco identified its core values of partnership, inculcating goodness and taking ownership as a manufacturer and leading umbrella brand, to acknowledge the role of teachers and their contribution to the society, in particular their immense contribution towards children.