SLIM Brand Excellence Awards Tonight

15 November 2018 04:45 pm Views - 2512

The 17th edition of SLIM Brand Excellence will take place today, the 16th of November, at the Shangri La Hotel in Colombo. The Chief Guest of the evening will be none other than Deshamanya Lalith De Mel, the First Sri Lankan on the Main Board of a Top 100 Company in the UK.

The campaign was launched on 16th of July at a press conference held at the JAIC Hilton. A series of special workshops were conducted during the months of July and August for the benefit of the entrants, and SLIM Brand Excellence 2018 saw the introduction of the first ever SLIM Brand Week. This year the SLIM Brand Excellence Awards underwent a complete revamp, from the blue-print to the award itself.

Another change this year is the entry kit, which was revised in order to encourage entries from the SME sector. As a result, SLIM Brand Excellence 2018 boasted an enormous number of entries from the SME sector. Thus the program witnessed a record-breaking number of overall entries.

Due to the revamp of the awards program and the changes,which have been brought about, experts predict a drastic change in the results this year, which will be revealed tonight amidst the crème de la crème of the Marketing industry.