SLIM Brand Excellence submission deadlines close

10 September 2020 09:51 am Views - 184

Sri Lanka’s only awards that recognize brands, the SLIM Brand Excellence Awards closed its entry submissions on 11 September. The deadline was extended by two weeks in response to the high demand of entry participants. The judging process will begin soon, and the final Award Ceremony will be in November 2020.

Themed ‘Survive the Odds’, this year calls on brands to highlight their stories of resilience at the face of adversity. The awards will be given under 13 main categories, inclusive of 6 Main Awards and 7 Special Awards.
The Brand Excellence Awards is one of the national level awards conducted by SLIM, the National Institute for Marketing in Sri Lanka, and it is the only local event that has continued to be the benchmark for brand performance. This year the event is held for the 19th consecutive year.