The municipality cannot function without the central government : Rosy Senanayake

1 February 2018 11:05 am Views - 8795

UNP Mayoral candidate Rosy Senanayake is gearing up for the upcoming poll. Making a change in the political landscape, if elected to office, Rosy will be the first female mayor of Colombo. Speaking to the Daily Mirror, Rosy spoke about a few serious concerns at hand and her future plans for the city.

Q: There were various projects in your manifesto. Are such similar projects done in other countries as well?

A: Yes, garbage is a classic example because in every other country garbage is a treasure. Garbage can be converted to energy and it has various other uses as well. So we are looking at finding a permanent solution for the garbage dump. In all honesty and fairness we need to understand that the previous government didn’t have a solution for this garbage issue. I have been complaining about the health hazard but they didn’t consider the repercussions of dumping it in Meethotamulla. They didn’t know what to do with the garbage because it can be categorized in to various types such as perishable, non-perishable, clinical etc. Every type of garbage could be used for various purposes and it is a money spinner as well. We are now looking at waste-to-energy projects. The Prime Minister has now found a permanent dumping place in Puttalam. We can also have a few incinerators within the city and dispose the garbage.

Q: A similar issue like the garbage problem is the condominium bubble that’s coming up. Do you have plans to bring in regulations for these constructions?

A: Definitely there has to be regulations because I don’t think the city can hold so many constructions. There are many illegal constructions coming up which will be a hazard. Even these waste water lines are very archaic. The population too has increased but we don’t have the capacity yet to serve the people in those areas. We are giving out a 10-year plan where we will be improving the infrastructure with regard to sewage lines, wastage lines etc which will be done in stages. Housing is one of the prime areas that I will be looking at. Proper sanitation and toilet facilities are areas which we will thoroughly concentrate on. For the past 25 years we couldn’t do much in the city simply because the central government was not from the party. Colombo has been a UNP stronghold and it is our heart but we have received step-motherly treatment.

Q: Projects such as the Independence Arcade and the Floating Market incurred losses. How will you make them profitable ventures?

A: There are ways and means in making a project profitable. There are many aspects we need to focus on, one being that of women. There are women who work as domestic aides since they need to earn a living. But we need to look at empowering them and allow them to stand on their own feet. Finance is a big issue because even for a woman to start her own catering business, she needs money to make it happen. It is important that we strengthen the livelihoods of women especially in the Colombo city limits. In my manifesto I have promised to have 25 community centers in areas where the municipality’s services are needed. We can start a Grameen banking system where women can get collaterals and other benefits when they face certain difficulties in life. We also need to focus on children because what happens today is that they just go to school and even if they fail or not they end up riding a three-wheeler. . But they need to be trained to take on basic challenges in life. There will be three vocational training centers for the youth thereby addressing the unemployment issue as well.

Q: Poor conditions of the road network is a complain all citizens have. How will you upgrade them?

A: That is another key area that we are focusing on. The municipality cannot function without the central government. They cannot carry out some of their projects without the municipality. So it’s a two-way system. There will be a flyover project, underground transport and canal transport as well. We are planning some mega projects with the Megapolis Ministry. We will take the services to the people. So the people have to come to the Colombo municipality and get their work done. But this time the service will be made more efficient so that they don’t have to pay repeated visits to get one job done. They complain that they have to bribe somebody to get things done. Bribery and corruption will totally be eradicated. Dengue is one of the biggest hazards that we have faced. If the city is clean and the water is flowing; if we have smart sewage lines and other technology we will be able to eradicate the dengue mosquito. On the other hand participatory citizens are a must and I will be having townhall meetings to listen to the likes, grievances and suggestions of people.

Q: How confident are you that you will win?

A: I’m very confident about my win. Colombo municipality is untouchable we have never lost. I want to win so that I don’t have to draw an alliance with somebody else. I have a team of professionals who can help us to deliver at the end of the day. I also want to encourage the general public to be a part of the system.