May 19 Saturday to May 25 Friday

18 May 2018 11:02 am Views - 1515

Aries (Mesha): 

 Pay special attention to your health from May 19 to 21. You are prone to ear and eye problems due to the Sun in your 2nd House.  Meanwhile, Mercury in your 1st House makes you vulnerable to headache, sore throat and tonsillitis. Lagnadhipati Mars exalted in your 10th House holds out success in enterprises that require bold decisions and even a rise in career is likely for natives running a Dasa of Mars. Monetary gains, sound health and cord8ial relations with siblings and relatives are indicated by Venus in your 3rd House. 


Taurus (Vrushabha):

You must cultivate mental calm specially from May 21 to 24 to counter the adverse effect of the Lunar phase on you. The Sun in your Lagna signifies a possible rise in blood pressure and proneness to heart disease. Mercury in your 12th House indicates the possibility of increased expenses, impediments to your routine activity and attempts by enemies to bring you into disrepute. You can look forward to higher status, general prosperity and even gainful foreign travel with a strong Mars in your 9th House. Marital happiness, peace and harmony in the family are indicated.  


Gemini (Mithuna):

Those running the Maha Dasa of Rahu are advised to watch their health and expenses. Heavy expenses and generally for more losses than gains are likely due to the Sun in your 12th House.  However, Venus in the Lagna, a redeeming feature, assures monetary gains and a happy time in the family. Exalted Mars in your 8th House can bring you business success.  Going by the current planetary positions, you can look forward to a happy time at work, perhaps and a rise in income with Lagnadhipati Mercury favourably posited in the 11th House. A favourable time is on for studies.


Cancer (Kataka):

Avoid taking hasty decisions and hasty actions given the adverse influence of Rahu in the Lagna. Sun in the 11th House holds out fame and honour and an increase in income and Mercury in the 10th House a generally happy and prosperous time.  Mars in the 7th House produces the effects of Ruchaka Yoga which can bring you honours and achievements in foreign lands and even a rise in career. You can look forward to financial security, relief from debts and success in all your endeavors. Meanwhile, your popularity and reputation will increase.  You are advised to steer clear of litigation and transactions related to lands. 


 Leo (Sinha):

  Some good news may greet you at the start of the week. Time ahead is very favourable with Lagnadhipati Sun powerfully placed in your 10th House. You can look forward to gains from your economic activity or from your career. Political high office, success in contests and competitions and a whip hand over enemies and rivals are on the cards with a very favourable Mars in the 6th House to produce the effects of Harsha Yoga. Venus in your 11th House assures a socially and financially happy time. 


Virgo (Kanya):

 Attempts to bring into disrepute are a possibility with Venus in the 10th House.  Lagnadhipati Mercury in the 8th House indicates a period of financial stability ahead.  Enhanced living comforts as well as respect from society and popularity are in the offing. Honours and recognition in sports, in martial sports and time of fun and merry-making ahead with a powerful Mars in the 5th House.   Time ahead is very favourable for natives seeking executive positions in financial institutions and jobs in the technological and scientific sectors. 


Libra (Thula):

Mercury in the 7th House has turned favourable due to the direct aspect of Jupiter. Mars in the 4th House to produce effects of Ruchaka Yoga holds out a host of benefits such as success in contests and competitions, enhanced living comforts, cordial relations with relatives and acquisition of lands, property and vehicles.  With Lagnadhipati Venus in the 9th House you can look forward to enhanced living comforts and general prosperity. 


Scorpio (Vrushika):

Comforts and luxuries and a happy time is held out by Venus in the 8th House.  Marital prospects for eligible maidens and bachelors are very bright. Mercury in the 6th House holds out good health, cordial relations with peers and superiors and an increased income.  Lagnadhipati Mars exalted in the 3rd House brings you power, high office and authority. You are advised to be on your guard to avoid disputes and conflicts with your spouse and business partners.


Sagittarius (Dhanu):

 The Sun continuing in your 6th House holds out power, influence and authority and a whip hand over rivals. However, the period ahead is not favourable for trading on stocks and shares or engaging in any speculation-related business for that matter, given the retrograde Mercury in your 5th House.  A highly favourable Mars in the 2nd House can bring a sharp increase income and peace and happiness in the family.  Financial stability and a high position are assured by favourable Jupiter in the 11th House. 


Capricorn (Makara):

Misunderstandings in social circles and attempts to harm your fame and name are indicated.  Financial problems, worries and illness are likely to trouble you due to the Sun in your 5th House. Success in educational pursuits, enhanced living comforts and happiness in the family are held out by Mercury in the 4th House. Mars exalted in the Lagna imbues you with courage and confidence and drive and dynamism and will bring a generally favourable time.  Now you are going through the first phase of the Lagna Shani Erashtaka due to Saturn being placed in the 12th House. 


Aquarius (Kumbha):

A very auspicious time is ahead for natives active in the fields of arts and the entertainment industry. Digestive problems, disharmony in the family and anxieties and worries are on the cards due to the Sun in your 4th House. Disputes and misunderstandings with relatives and co-workers are a strong possibility due to the adverse effects of Mercury in the 3rd house.  Mars favourably placed with exalted status in the 12th House imbues you with a positive outlook, a keen perception and acumen and keeps you away from sinful acts. 


Pisces (Meena):

 Fame, higher status, sound health and increased wealth are in the offing with a powerful Sun placed in the 3rd House. A happy time in the family and increased income are held out by Mercury in the 2nd House. A powerful Mars in the 11th House will bring you wealth and business success. Venus now placed in your 4th House holds out comforts, peace of mind and success in educational pursuits. Saturn continuing transit in your 10th House imbues you with much resilience and holds out a very productive time.