The Art of Remembering Everything

15 November 2016 03:38 pm Views - 30333

As you aware that having access to necessary information on the time we needed, enhances the productivity. Keeping track of information about the things that we really care about can be a time saving factor and sometimes it can be a life saver too!

We have an old-fashioned way of note taking. This process normally jotting down things in a piece of paper using a pen. Note-taking is the best and effective way not only for the enhancement of personal knowledge database but also, it boosts productivity on the go. 
I’ve seen people, most often complaining that they forget the source of something they found interested in web. Sadly sometimes they even lost the post-it note where they have written about that very source! 
Is traditional pen and paper mechanism of note-taking outdated in modern age? Not likely. 
Pen and paper method is still known to be an only sensible solution of note-taking. I am pretty sure that you may have an exclusive way of note-taking using pen and paper in a productive manner. 
But, when it comes to digital age, we have plenty of options that power the ubiquitous capture, which is not only helps to digital note taking but also your notes become indexable and searchable, which is infinitely useful. There are plenty of great ways come in handful to capturing notes in computer friendly digital form.

When I'm surfing Internet, I usually find myself taking quite a few notes. I keep track of ideas I want to follow up on, topics I want to read further about. I thought my note-taking may be on overdrive, but I  found several tricks to capturing notes in an effective way so called digital way. Few free web applications are helping me to make the process of note-taking a lot smoother and easier. I'll list some smart ways you can use to capture notes not only in the Internet but also in daily life.

Google Keep

Since, I am a big fan of Google products, I've fallen in love with Google Keep because of the way it helps me to capture notes. With the Google Keep browser extension you can easily organize and classify your ideas on the on the go. The user interface is equipped with the new Material design concept. You can segmentize the notes with tag, colours and size. It’s a convenient way to keep notes in an organized manner.

Google Inbox

Inbox is an alternative app for Google Mail app, is not an digital note-taking web application, but, it can make you more productive. How? It is coming with a feature called reminder, which you can use to write down and organize your notes within your mail box. That is super convenient. Also, you can save your favorite links from the internet right inside your inbox using the ‘Saving’ feature of the Google Inbox. Like Google Keep, Inbox comes with a browser extension too. You can use both Google Keep and Google Inbox and save lots of time on daily basis.


I love Evernote (, a well known organizational web application. Evernote is one of those applications that I use on daily basis. It makes its slogan, “Remember everything”, a reality. Capturing and organizing notes never been easier than ever before.

You can search through everything you have saved to your Evernote account. You can even save every search for future reference. But, the ability of search text within images, was an outstanding feature of Evernote. It scans any image and analyze it for any text contained in it. Sounds pretty cool haa.?

Organizing the notes you gathered is the most important step in order to boost your productivity. Organizing the stuff on the go saves lots of time. Evernote comes with an amazing feature for organizing your stuff using tags. 

Copy and pasting from the web is incredibly simple with Evernote, and once notes have been taken it’s also quite easy to organize, store and peruse your various work which makes it an excellent choice for being productive and being focused on the 'wants'. 

With an Internet connection, you can simply access your saved notes and stuff from these three apps, anywhere in the world. With these applications, I am quite sure, you won't forget anything you want to keep remember with you. Give it a shot, you'll loved it.

By the way, are you ready to become a Rockstar Note taker? and Yes, you can remember everything!