10 July 2021 06:00 am Views - 3745


Alumnus of British School, Colombo. BA (Hons) Business Management, Curtin University, Australia. Executive Director, Sumathi Holdings (PVT) Ltd.

Alumnus of Colombo International School. BA (Hons). Business, Accounting and Marketing, Monash University, Australia. Director, Business Strategies and Development, Sumathi Holdings (PVT) Ltd.

Share in a brief a summary of your professional journey?


How is it working with your father?



Share with us a secret about your brother that no-one else knows?


Which sister are you closest to? Which brother-in-law are you closest to?


Do you have any business ventures with your sisters or your brother in laws?


Which sibling is the real ‘Mama’s boy’?


Do you both envision working together in the long run or would you prefer to build your own companies and brands separately?


What are you most passionate about? Any Hobbies?


Who do you look up to for inspiration or mentorship?

Chathula: As cliché as it may sound, my father; I cannot think of a better mentor. He’s a living example of an individual who has successfully managed to balance work, family and spiritual endeavors.


You both studied overseas, yet you returned back home to work. What made you come back to Sri Lanka?


What are the new and exciting projects we can look forward to seeing from the both of you’ll joining the family business?


(1) Favorite Netflix Genre:


(2) Favorite Holiday Destination


(3) Favorite Restaurants in Colombo


(4) Favorite Resort or Villa in Sri Lanka


(5) Current Playlist (Song of the Week)


(6) Must Watch Netflix Series for 2021


(7) Social Media - Yay or Nay?


(8) New Skill Acquired During Lockdown