17 July 2021 06:00 am Views - 1353



Alumna of Sri Sumangala Girls School, Panadura



Alumna of Musaeus College, Colombo

Masters in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Bristol, UK

Masters in Business Administration (Valedictorian 2014), Postgraduate Institute of Management, Sri Lanka

Indira: Upon the successful completion of my Advanced Level Examinations in Science, I moved to London for a period of two years. I returned back to Sri Lanka, married my husband, Lalith, and together we started KIK Group of Companies. At present, I’m the Director of Administration in the company. I’m also a Member and the Founding Chairperson of the COYLE (Chamber of Young Lankan Entrepreneurs) Ladies Chapter. I have also served as the President of the Inner Wheel Club of Colombo West for two consecutive years.

Nadie: Upon graduating from the University of Bristol, UK, I commenced my career working as a Business Analyst and Business Development Executive at Millennium IT. I subsequently joined my parents in our family business as the Director of Business Development. At present, I work as the  Director of Marketing and Strategy for the Group. I’m also a Member of several Special Advisory Committees for the Electrical and Electronic sector, including EDB (Export Development Board), CCC (Ceylon Chamber of Commerce), SLEMEA (Sri Lanka Electronics Manufacturers and Exporters Association) and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. I’m also a Member of the Rotary Club of Colombo West.


Indira: I’m a very open person. I hate dishonest people. I’m very straightforward and sometimes this has been a disadvantage for me. I am a hot-tempered person, but my anger is like the fizz in a soda bottle. I love to help others when they are in need; I like to make others happy. I love to sing and dress fashionably.

Nadie: I'm someone who constantly works on growth; to raise my own standards. Although,  I have a Masters in Engineering, I would like to think of myself more as an Engineer of hearts and minds, bringing in new thinking, value creation and innovative ideas to everything I do. I’m a creative soul and my creativity extends to music. I have released two songs: “Ves Muhunak” with a message to live an unmasked life, and “Grahanaya” to portray the dark side of addiction. I’m also an avid reader, movie buff and I love to dance. I also meditate daily.


Nadie: There are pros and cons! The challenge is to create a perfect work and home life balance; it's a tad difficult to draw the line at times. Ammi has a lot of experience and she has a vivacious personality. She has constantly supported my father in times of difficulty, and has been instrumental in the success of KIK. When she doesn’t loose her temper, she is extremely caring and cool.

Indira: It is a pleasure to have my daughter work with me. Our ideas may not tally all the time, but we compromise without any conflict.


Nadie: Ammi is a very talented dancer and has completed all three exams in Kandyan dancing. She is also a qualified Indian dancer; she even performed her Arangetram. She is also a great actress and has even acted in a teledrama with Malini Fonseka.

Indira: She is a great singer; she first performed on stage at the age of three. I have always encouraged singing and use to take her to Radio Ceylon and Rupavahini for events and shows. She is also an actress and has acted in many TV Teledramas and Advertisements.



Indira: I prefer to work with her in our business and one day she can carry the legacy forward with her husband Lakshan.

Nadie: At the moment we are working together. We live in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world hence our priority is to focus on sustainable growth. It may include future diversifications to move with the times.


Indira: My husband Lalith Kahatapitiya. He is an honest man with good values. He is my mentor; he encouraged me to become a competent communicator and enrolled me in Toastmasters International. He also encouraged me to take leadership in several social and charitable clubs in Colombo.

Nadie: Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker and Robin Sharma.


Indira: Sing, write poems, dance, watch movies and listen to Dhamma sermons on YouTube.

Nadie: Sing, produce new music, watch movies, Netflix, read books, watch motivational videos on YouTube, hang out with friends and meditate.



Indira: The Agriculture sector

Nadie: Personal Hygiene and any industry that has a quick turnaround in adaptability. The digital world is booming rapidly. I also think that the new currency is “IDEAS.” We need to encourage SME’s and we need to invest in new ideas.


Indira: I sincerely hope the Government will assist and encourage local industries that bring in foreign currency to the country, instead of assisting businesses that send money out of the country.

Nadie: We have developed a patent-protected product KIKBLOX, which we hope to expand globally in the near future.



Indira: Sri Lanka. I will never migrate.

Nadie: Sri Lanka – ALWAYS!


Fashion: What’s In. What’s Out.

Indira: Red and Black is IN. Anything Green is OUT.


Nadie: Black is IN. Outfits that don’t suit the occasion is OUT.


Social Media: Yay or Nay?

Indira: YAY

Nadie: YAY


Favorite Netflix Genre? Must Watch Netflix Series?

Indira: Genre: Rom-Coms. Series: Gilmore Girls

Nadie: Genre: Comedy. Series: Friends and Gilmore Girls


Favorite Holiday Destination?

Indira: Turkey

Nadie: Croatia and Switzerland


Favorite Resort in Sri Lanka?

Indira: Heritance Kandalama, Dambulla

Nadie: Aliya Resort and Spa, Sigiriya


Favorite Restaurant in Sri Lanka?

Indira: The Dining Room, Cinnamon Lakeside

Nadie: California Grill, Galadari. My husband Lakshan proposed to me on New Years Eve at California Grill


Most Fashionable Male / Female in Sri Lanka?

Indira: Ravindra Randeniya and Ramani Fernando

Nadie: Kumar Sangakkara and Jacqueline Fernandez


Trend for Summer 2021?

Indira: Long comfortable dresses in trendy shades

Nadie: Short dresses in trendy shades


What’s on your Playlist this week? Song of the week?

Indira: My Daughter’s new song Grahanaya

Nadie: My new song Grahanaya


Must have item in your handbag?

Indira: Lipstick but these days Hand Sanitizer

Nadie: Wallet, Kindle and a Bottle of Water