18 June 2022 06:00 am Views - 1621



Founder, The Studio of Fine and Performing Arts Academy

She is the Founder of the Studio of Fine and Performing Arts Academy, Sri Lanka. She is the Director of the International Institute of Music, Speech and Drama, and is the Country Representative of the London College of Music; the largest specialist institution in UK. She is recognized as being one of the finest music connoisseurs in the island, and has performed at sold out concerts in both Sri Lanka and Singapore. She has been an active member of the industry for almost four decades, and she is a Charter Member of Zonta Club II of Colombo. She is also on the Board of Governors for Women in Need, Sri Lanka, and over the years she has been involved in spearheading several charitable initiatives that have raised funds for causes primarily involving women and children. On a voluntary basis she teaches music and movement to differently-abled children, and she is a Past President of the Past Pupil’s Association of Bishop’s College, Colombo. The National Youth Music Festival 2022 which she will be producing and hosting in August, will be the first of its kind in Sri Lanka. 
She Can and she is a creative, assertive, diplomatic, compassionate power woman; Shyama Perera.
What inspired you to explore a lifelong career in the music industry? 
I was born in to a family of Music Teachers, hence music was all I heard from the day I was born. My childhood was spent immersed in music. I studied Music under Mrs. Mary Billimoria, who was undoubtedly the best Music Teacher in Colombo. After successfully completing my primary and secondary education at Bishops College, Colombo, I pursued my Diploma in Music. I started teaching at a very young age. I thankfully had all the patience one requires to be a teacher. 
Share with us a summary of your personal journey. 
Upon completing my Diploma in Music, I sat for my Piano examinations (LTCL - equivalent in standard to the final year recital of an undergraduate degree) conducted by Trinity College London in Sri Lanka. Subsequently, I was offered a role as Music Instructor in the Island of Borneo. In Brunei, I was trained to perform on an Electronic Organ. I enjoyed my time in Brunei but missed my family, terribly. I took a great liking to the Keyboard and hence wanted to continue my training further. I was tutored by Mr. John Norris from UK and I subsequently graduated from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama with Honors for my Licentiate, which is equivalent to a Post Graduate degree. I also completed my FTCL (equivalent in standard to a Postgraduate course recital at a conservatoire or university) on Electronic Organ. 
In the early 1980’s, the Electronic Organ was new to Sri Lanka, and most in the island had only studied and mastered the Piano. After hosting and producing several concerts in the city featuring my students, the Electronic Organ became popular in the island and I eventually launched my own school, The Academy of Organ Music in Colombo. 
Over the years, my students have got opportunities to perform at several charity concerts that were held regularly and annually in the island. Via these events, my students have been able to gain invaluable experience and have been able to boost their stage confidence. 
Share with us in summary the most memorable concert you performed at?
Performing in 1999 at a charity concert in Singapore titled, ‘Out of Love.’ This concert was hosted by the Sri Lankan Embassy in Singapore in aid of Sri Lankan migrant workers in Singapore. The concert was held at the National Theatre in Singapore. 
Share with us details of your academy?
In 2015, I changed my academy name to ‘Studio of Fine and Performing Arts Academy,’ as my daughter Swasha Malalasekera teamed up with me to further develop the school. We introduced new classes for students such as guitar, drums, singing, art, piano and keyboards. Our students and parents found in quite convenient to enroll into different classes within the same school premises. Many of our students spend the afternoon moving from class to class studying different instruments and so on. I continue to teach as it is my passion and I enjoy it.
Furthermore, my late mother, Mrs. Joy Ferdinando was the founder of the International Institute of Music, Speech and Drama. She launched this in the 1990’s. After her demise, I took over her office. I run this separately. 
IIMSD annually conducts a Festival of Music affiliated to the British and International Federation of Festivals, UK. The Music festival is conducted annually from June to August, and the adjudicators are all from UK and Ireland. This festival creates an opportunity for students to enter and compete under several categories; Music, Speech and Drama. Categories under Speech and Drama include Poetry, Storytelling, News Reading, Acting and so on.
Under the Music category students can compete performing a solo on the Piano, Electronic Keyboard or an individual instrument. They can also compete performing duets, as a trio or as an ensemble. The festival is conducted in centers across all  provinces in Sri Lanka. Annually, we have witnessed hundreds of students improving their performances. This year too, the festival will be held in Sri Lanka from end June to mid-August. This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the festival.
The International Institute of Music, Speech and Drama also conduct local examinations in Music, Speech and Drama throughout the year. We have our own syllabus and our examiners travel to various centers across the island during exam time. 
How do you differentiate yourself? 
I don’t make a conscious effort to differentiate myself. I firmly believe that each of us are unique and we each possess qualities that differentiate us from each other. However, to be a successful teacher, one must possess the required qualities of a teacher to teach. Teaching is a passion which requires a lot of patience and practice. Also one must have varied methods to deliver to pupils what you want them to learn in the simplest manner. 
Have you been harassed or discriminated against? 
No, thankfully I haven’t been. 
Where do you see yourself ten years from now? 
Hopefully, continuing to teach and enjoying the company of my three grandchildren. 
How do you want to be remembered one day? 
As a patient teacher who shaped the careers of many aspiring young musicians. 
Share with us a secret no-one else knows? Actually I am quite an open person and I don’t believe in keeping secrets. 
What do you want to achieve next? I have achieved all what I want in life; a career I’m passionate about, a wonderful family and a circle of close friends. 
If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career, what would it be? I think as a child, I was raised in a conservative household and I diligently listened and obeyed both my parents. I was inspired by my mother to start teaching. I heard music from the day I was born, hence it was quite natural for me to gravitate towards a career in music. 
Who do you look up to for inspiration or mentorship? My husband, Sumal. 
Your biggest regret? I sometimes wish alongside my music I also spent time training my voice. I should have also pursued a career in singing. 
What is your biggest fear and how do you manage it? Thank and praise God I do not have any fears. I am a child of God and I take every little problem to him in prayer.
Share with us details about the National Youth Music Festival? The inaugural Youth Music Festival 2022 is scheduled to be held from the 1st to the 10th of August 2022 at the Bishops College Main Hall and the Lionel Wendt Theatre, Colombo. The competition is intended for young classical musicians who are pianists, singers and orchestral instrumentalists; and is open to candidates who are not older than 32 years of age on the 1st of January 2022. The purpose of the competition is to:
Identify and promote the talent and abilities of young classical musicians;
Expose the competitors to the requirements of professional standards as soloists and orchestral musicians;
Develop the stage presentation and performance skills of our young talented classical musicians preparing for higher grade and diploma examinations.
The competition will be held in two competitive rounds and the first and the final round will take place from 1st to 10th August and will be in the format of a closed audition. Round one will be held at the Bishops College Main Hall and round two will be a public performance at the Lionel Wendt Theatre. The judges for the competition will arrive from UK and South Africa and will also conduct masterclasses and workshops for all participants. This festival will not only give an opportunity for the participants but will also enable any interested aspiring young musicians to attend workshops and masterclasses that will enable them to gain invaluable knowledge and insights about their chosen instrument. This festival will be the first of its kind in Sri Lanka, and I conceptualized it in order to celebrate the 135th year anniversary of London College of Music. Hundreds of participants have already submitted their application forms and submissions will close on the 30th of June 2022.