Zuleyha Markar

3 August 2024 12:05 am Views - 211

She is a distinguished lawyer and the founder of The Tutory. She is a remarkable figure in the field of education, blending her legal expertise with a passion for academic excellence. Her journey began with her own struggles in finding structured academic support during her studies, leading her to envision a solution that would bridge these gaps for future students. Her transition from a legal career to founding The Tutory was driven by her commitment to providing high-quality, personalized educational support. Under her leadership, The Tutory has evolved from its modest origins into a respected educational institution. Her strategic vision and dedication have fostered partnerships, such as the one with BAC College (Singapore), expanding The Tutory’s reach and offering students enhanced academic opportunities. This collaboration allows students to benefit from a global perspective and advanced educational pathways. Her entrepreneurial journey reflects her resilience, innovation, and unwavering dedication to improving education. Her ability to integrate her legal skills into her business practices has been pivotal in shaping The Tutory’s success. As she continues to inspire and lead, she exemplifies the impact of combining professional expertise with a deep commitment to educational advancement; Zuleyha Markar.

Please share with us a summary of your personal journey.

My educational journey began at Ladies’ College, starting from nursery and culminating in my Advanced Level exams. As a third-generation student of Ladies’ College, education has always been a cornerstone of my family’s legacy. Throughout my school years, I found immense joy in tutoring my relatives, creating mock exam papers, and grading them. This early experience, especially teaching my younger sister, ignited a passion for education that has shaped my career. Initially, I aspired to follow in my mother’s footsteps and become a lawyer. After completing my LLB and qualifying as an attorney, I was called to the Bar and practiced law for several years. During this time, I also embraced motherhood with the birth of my son. Balancing the demands of being a new mother and a legal career, I ventured into lecturing alongside my legal practice. Accompanying my mother to court, I realized that courtroom appearances were not my passion. Instead, I enjoyed the research, drafting, and the creation of contracts and joint venture agreements. I fondly recall working late nights with my mother, humorously likening our schedule to a 24-hour supermarket due to the relentless nature of legal work. As someone who thrives on organization and planning, I found the unpredictable hours of legal practice challenging. Despite this, I gained invaluable experience working under my mother's guidance until my eventual move to Singapore. My journey reflects an evolution from a dedicated legal practitioner to a passionate educator, driven by a deep-rooted love for teaching and a commitment to making a difference in students’ lives.

Please share with us a summary of your professional journey, from classroom to courtroom to boardroom.

As a fourth-generation lawyer, my professional journey is deeply rooted in a strong foundation of legal education and practice. I earned my degree from the University of London and completed my attorney qualifications, launching my legal career alongside my grandfather, Mr. Faisz Musthapha, President’s Counsel, and my mother, Faisza Markar, President’s Counsel. During this period, I gained invaluable experience in corporate law, including drafting joint venture agreements and contributing to significant projects like the Shangri-La development. While practicing law, I discovered a passion for teaching when I stepped in to tutor my sister’s students during her absence for her convocation in the UK. This experience inspired me to establish The Tutory in 2013. What began with tutoring a single student eventually grew to over twenty students. I expanded our services to cover all LLB subjects and later relocated to Singapore, where I lectured full-time for University of London programs at institutions such as Stansfield and BAC College. Even while I was abroad, The Tutory thrived under my sister’s supervision. Upon my return, I resumed lecturing at The Tutory, which had grown beyond home classes. To accommodate our increasing number of students, I rented a space and relocated The Tutory to Havelock Gardens, Colombo 05. Over time, we expanded our offerings to include classes for Ordinary and Advanced Level students. Throughout this journey, I transitioned from a legal practitioner to a dedicated educator, driven by a passion for teaching and a commitment to education. Starting from humble beginnings at my dining table, I have successfully established and grown my own educational institute, fulfilling my calling in the field of lecturing.

What inspired you to pursue a career in law?

My decision to pursue a career in law was profoundly influenced by my family’s rich legal heritage. Both my maternal and paternal grandfathers, my great-grandfather, my mother, and my maternal uncle were all lawyers, making law an integral part of my life. I often joked that law was all I knew, as our dining table conversations were predominantly legal discussions. Growing up in this environment, I was constantly surrounded by legal professionals, fostering my curiosity about the complexities of the law. The legacy of generations of lawyers in my family instilled in me a deep respect for the profession and inspired me to follow in their footsteps, embarking on my own legal career.

How do you balance your responsibilities as a lawyer with your entrepreneurial ventures?

Before moving to Singapore, I found myself juggling the responsibilities of being a lawyer with my entrepreneurial ventures. Balancing both roles became increasingly challenging, especially with the added responsibility of caring for my young son. I soon realized that excelling in both fields simultaneously was impossible and that I needed to choose one path to focus on. Reflecting on this, I likened the demands of the legal profession to a ‘jealous mistress,’ requiring undivided attention and dedication. It became clear that I needed to prioritize and follow my true passion.

This led me to choose lecturing as my primary focus, driven by my genuine love for teaching and the desire to make a meaningful impact in education.

In what ways has your legal background influenced your approach to business?

My legal background has profoundly influenced my business approach. Growing up in a family of lawyers and pursuing a legal career equipped me with strong analytical skills, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of complex issues. These skills aid in assessing risks, making informed decisions, and developing effective business strategies. Additionally, my legal training enhanced my communication, negotiation, and ethical standards, essential for building relationships and fostering partnerships. The principles of thorough research, strategic planning, and ethical conduct from my legal background guide my entrepreneurial ventures, ensuring professionalism and integrity in all business dealings.

What motivated you to start The Tutory?

The motivation to start The Tutory arose from my personal academic experiences. While studying, I encountered a lack of structured support and qualified teachers for subjects like EU law, a challenge also faced by my mother. This gap inspired me to create a platform offering organized extra help for LLB students. My decision was further driven by the positive impact of my teaching, where students thrived under my guidance. The joy of teaching and the nurturing relationships I built with students, who often referred to me as ‘their mom,’ confirmed my commitment to education. The Tutory was established to provide the support and mentorship I wished I had, reinforcing my dedication to transforming students' educational experiences.

How did you go about establishing the partnership with BAC College (Singapore)?

Establishing the partnership with BAC College (Singapore) was a natural outcome of my prior experience and ongoing connections with the institution. During my time at BAC College, I built strong relationships with colleagues, including my senior lecturer and boss. After moving to Sri Lanka, I continued to stay in touch and remain informed about the college. Recently, my former boss, Ms. Ananthi, reached out to discuss potential collaboration on Law and Business diplomas. This renewed interest reflected the trust and mutual respect developed over the years. Through continued communication and shared objectives, we successfully explored and formalized a mutually beneficial partnership, underscoring the importance of professional relationships in fostering growth and opportunities.

Can you describe the key milestones in the growth of The Tutory?

The Tutory’s growth has been marked by several key milestones. It began with teaching at a dining table, driven by the vision to start a tutoring centre despite initial financial concerns and uncertainties about leaving a legal career. Support from family was crucial in this transition.


Expanding to premises in Havelock Gardens, Colombo 05, was a significant step, and despite early challenges, lessons in resource management and hard work led to success. As demand grew, The Tutory expanded its offerings to include various LLB and BSc programs, and grades 1 through advanced levels. A major milestone was partnering with BAC College, Singapore, to offer diploma programs with pathways to UK universities, enhancing the institute’s reputation and reach.

How do you ensure the quality of education provided by The Tutory?

At The Tutory, we ensure educational quality by keeping lecturers updated on legal developments and teaching methods through continuous professional development. I engage with resources from universities and British examination boards to stay current, integrating this knowledge into our curriculum. Lecturers are encouraged to use diverse resources and create up-to-date lecture notes with real-world examples. Our interactive, engaging teaching approach, combined with small class sizes, allows for personalized instruction, and meets individual student needs. This commitment to current information and tailored teaching enhances the learning experience and helps students achieve their academic goals.

Can you discuss any future plans or expansions for The Tutory?

The Tutory is excited about its future plans, including expanding our educational offerings. We aim to introduce full-time Ordinary Level and Advanced Level programs to provide structured academic pathways for students. We also plan to enhance our home-schooling program to offer more personalized and flexible education options. Additionally, we will launch IELTS classes to help students improve their English proficiency and prepare for the IELTS exam. These initiatives reflect our commitment to diversifying our programs and meeting the evolving needs of our students.

How do you measure the success and impact of The Tutory’s programs?

The success of The Tutory’s programs is primarily measured by students’ academic achievements, including their progress and examination results. We also evaluate the impact through the career and higher education successes of our alumni, observing their advancements as indicators of our programs’ effectiveness. Increasing enrolment and positive referrals from satisfied parents and students highlight our growing reputation. Additionally, the sense of belonging and satisfaction expressed by current students serves as a crucial measure of our influence. Positive feedback regarding our teaching quality and overall support further affirms the success and impact of our educational programs.

What strategies do you use to attract and retain talented educators for The Tutory?

At The Tutory, we attract and retain talented educators through several key strategies. We focus on leveraging individual strengths, tailoring roles for optimal performance, and providing robust support. Regular professional development and one-on-one meetings help educators align their career goals with our vision.

We foster organizational pride by involving educators in our mission and celebrating their achievements, which builds loyalty and engagement. By maintaining a positive and supportive work culture, we ensure that educators feel valued and motivated. This approach not only enhances morale but also helps attract high-quality talent, driving our continued success and growth.

How has your entrepreneurial journey changed you personally and professionally?

My entrepreneurial journey has significantly transformed me both personally and professionally. Professionally, it has heightened my focus on delivering high-quality educational products and ensuring they meet student needs. Personally, it has fostered independence and pushed me beyond my comfort zone, moving from a stable legal career to managing the risks and complexities of entrepreneurship. Balancing excellence with profitability and managing overheads has required strategic thinking and adaptability. Support from my family and faith has been crucial, providing strength and motivation to overcome challenges. This experience has reshaped my perspective on risk, change, and reliance, enhancing my growth as a business leader.

What makes The Tutory’s degree program unique compared to other education providers?

The Tutory’s degree program is distinguished by its partnership with BAC College, Singapore, which merges local insights with international standards for a well-rounded education. The program offers a unique progression: starting with a Foundation Diploma, advancing through Diploma and Advanced Diploma levels in Law and Business, covering the first two years of a Bachelor’s degree. Students can then transfer to prestigious UK universities, such as Liverpool or Oxford Brookes, for their final year, providing a global perspective. Our structure awards qualifications at each stage, ensuring recognition and motivation throughout the journey. This blend of academic depth and practical skills equips students for professional success.

Can you elaborate on the benefits of the partnership with UK universities for students?

Collaborating with UK universities offers a myriad of advantages for students, enriching their educational experience and opening doors to a world of opportunities. At our institution, our partnership with a distinguished Singapore partner BAC College allows students to seamlessly transfer to a variety of esteemed UK universities, enhancing their academic journey in remarkable ways such as exposing students to a diverse learning environment, fostering cultural exchange, and broadening their perspectives, which is invaluable for personal and professional growth.

Can you share any success stories of students who have gone through The Tutory’s programs?

The Tutory has fostered notable success among its students. Nayanthara Balapatabeni achieved a 2:1 for her LLB and LLM, earned the Navarathnaraja QC Prize, served as State Counsel, and became a Chevening Scholar. Ramesh Fernando and Dhanishka Senivirathne both earned First- Class honours for their LLBs and pursued LLMs at the University of Cambridge, with Dhanishka also completing First-Class Honours at Sri Lanka Law College and currently pursuing a Ph.D. at the University of Birmingham. Ashan Bandara works at the Attorney General’s Department, Damithri Kariyawasam is employed at Ceylon Tobacco Company, and Senura Fonseka is a Renewable Energy Advocate. Former students, Manith Dassanayake, Suhanya Devanjee, and Talal Fauz have also made significant strides in their fields. These stories reflect The Tutory’s dedication to developing accomplished and impactful professionals.

What role do internships play in The Tutory’s curriculum?

Internships are integral to The Tutory’s curriculum, bridging the gap between academic learning and real-world application. We prioritize securing internships with prestigious organizations and chambers for our students, providing them with hands-on experience and industry insights essential for career success. Additionally, we offer internal internships within The Tutory, allowing students to work closely with our faculty and gain practical experience in an educational setting. These opportunities enhance their learning, foster professional growth, and prepare them for their future careers by equipping them with valuable skills and networks.

Where do you see yourself ten years from now?

In ten years, I envision myself as a prominent leader in education, with The Tutory thriving as a top institution under my guidance. My goal is to expand The Tutory into a full-time school, offering a wide array of programs and modern facilities to support diverse learning needs. I aim to create an inspiring environment that promotes creativity and holistic development. Additionally, I aspire to establish an international presence, extending The Tutory’s reach globally. Ultimately, I see myself spearheading the growth and evolution of The Tutory into a renowned educational institution that empowers students worldwide.

Have you ever faced any form of discrimination in Sri Lanka?

As a woman entrepreneur in Sri Lanka, I have not personally encountered discrimination in my professional journey. Although gender biases and societal challenges are common for women in business, I have worked in an environment where my gender has not impeded my success. The unique challenges women face, such as balancing family responsibilities and overcoming stereotypes, are real, but I have navigated these hurdles with determination and a strong support network. I am committed to advocating for gender equality and fostering an inclusive business environment, while appreciating the opportunities and support I’ve received.

Any regrets?

I have no regrets as every experience, positive or challenging, has been a chance for growth. Each obstacle has provided valuable lessons, shaping my personal and professional development. Embracing challenges as learning opportunities allows me to move forward with resilience and a positive outlook, continually evolving into a better version of myself.

Who do you look up to for inspiration or mentorship?

I find inspiration and mentorship in Otara Gunewardene, whose remarkable journey in building the Odel from humble beginnings to a leading fashion and lifestyle entity in Sri Lanka deeply impresses me. Her entrepreneurial spirit, innovative approach, and resilience in overcoming challenges are truly motivating. Otara’s success exemplifies the power of determination, calculated risk-taking, and adherence to values. Her achievements inspire me to pursue my own goals with passion, creativity, and integrity. Her story serves as a guiding light, encouraging me to approach my endeavours with the same commitment to excellence and positive impact.

How do you want to be remembered one day?

I aspire to be remembered as a compassionate educator who made a meaningful impact on students and colleagues through dedication and integrity. I hope to be recognized for my unwavering commitment to education, nurturing strong relationships with students, and guiding their academic and personal growth. As a devoted mother and daughter, I also wish to be remembered for fostering close family connections. Additionally, I aim to be known as a collaborative team player, inspiring and empowering others in the educational field. Ultimately, I hope my legacy reflects both professional success and a profound influence on those around me.

“The best way to inspire lifelong learning is to empower and uplift those in pursuit of knowledge.”