18 suspects in brothel case granted bail

Eighteen suspects including ten men and eight women, who were held in remand on charges of having operated a brothel under the guise of a night club in Colombo, were today  released on bail.

Defence counsels informed Colombo Fort Magistrate Kanishka Wijeratne that the police had raided a karaoke club which had been operating in the area for the past 12 years. He said the police allegations that the suspects were involved in operating a brothel were totally false.

“It’s a place where gents come for a drink. Then they dance with these women who also serve liquor to their clients. These are the main activities in this karaoke club,” Mr. Rekawa said.

Fort Police Sub Inspector Chaturanga said the police raided the so called club after having received reliable information that it was a brothel being operated under the guise of a night club. Police alleged that detectives identified several rooms where prostitution was taking place.

Police said their decoy had paid Rs.5,000 to obtain the services of one of the women. After making the payment, the police officer, who acted as the decoy, had taken the woman to one of the rooms from where he had tipped off the other officers who then raided the premises.

The brothel manager was arrested on charges of supplying women for prostitution. Nine others had been arrested on charges of having aided and abetted the operation of the brothel. One of the women was charged with prostitution while the other seven women faced charges of being present at the time of the raid and of prostitution. (Lakmal Sooriyagoda)

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