68 plead guilty for gambling

The Colombo Crime Division (CCD) today produced 68 people including a police sergeant in court on charges of betting and assisting to operate an unlawful gambling centre in Union Place, Colombo 2.

When the case came up before Colombo Fort Magistrate Kanishka Wijeratne, 56 people who were produced on charges of having committed unlawful gaming at a gambling centre in Colombo 2 were ordered to pay Rs.500 each as state cost. Meanwhile, twelve persons who were produced on charges of having assisted to operate the gambling centre were ordered to pay a fine of Rs.500. 

President’s Counsel C.R. de Silva appearing on behalf 67 accused told court that the concerned gambling centre was not a luxury hotel but a small place. He further said that poor people from different strata had used to come there and some came just to have a drink. President’s Counsel further moved court that 56 accused should be ordered to pay a state cost of Rs.500 in accordance with section 306 of the Criminal Procedure Code.  He further maintained that his clients were accepting the liability and not denying it.  

Having considered the submissions, the Magistrate ordered the 56 accused to pay Rs.500 each as state costs. Meanwhile, twelve other accused who pleaded guilty for the charges of having assisted to operate the gambling centre were order to pay a fine of Rs.500. (Lakmal Sooriyagoda)

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