713 LTTE suspects to be released


By Gandhya Senanayake


A group of 713 rehabilitated LTTE cadres who were under Army custody will be released tomorrow from their Vauniya rehabilitation camps, the Army said today. Military Spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara told Daily Mirror online that these suspects, who are to be released are from Vauniya Rehabilitation centers, were only connected with minor crimes and that the Government had taken the decision to release them. LTTE child soldiers and ex -cadres are included in the group which will be released, he said.

Earlier on Thursday the Chief magistrate of Colombo Champak Janaki Rajaratne rejected the request by the Investigations Division for permission to send a team of Investigators for the screening of the 713 Tamil youth held there before releasing them. The Magistrate questioned the need if the inmates to be released are not suspects.

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