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Kegalle, Feb 15 (Daily Mirror) - Finance State Minister Ranjith Siambalapitiya said funds will be allocated for the procurement of high-quality air rifles for farmers' organizations in the Kegalle district for the purpose of managing the toque monkey population.
The Minister told the media that his decision remains unchanged despite any potential impacts. He said that decentralized funds will be allocated for the procurement of air rifles for farmers' organizations.
"The menace posed by monkeys has become a significant concern in the country, specifically in the Kegalle district. The monkey threat has reached a point where even schoolchildren are unable to hold their food without facing interference. I have personally intervened to address this issue, engaging in several discussions with veterinary officials regarding the implementation of sterilization surgeries to control the monkey population. Despite being a complex process involving the capture of monkeys and transporting them to locations for sterilization procedures before releasing them back into the woods, we have successfully created a conducive environment to proceed with sterilization surgeries in the Kegalle district," the State Minister said.
"To address the urgency of the issue, I have made the decision to utilize my decentralized funds promptly. I will be providing air rifles to 600 farmers' organizations in the Kegalle district. This initiative aims to empower these organizations to take immediate action to control the toque monkey population.