Aloysius’ PA Samuel gets chest pain and does not turn up to testify

In the wake of Aloysius’ personal assistant, Steve Samuel’s Counsel informing that his client was admitted to the hospital due to a chest pain and is unable to appear before the Commission, Justice Prasanna Jayawardena today stressed that the Commission wants to see the files maintained by PTL under the heading of ‘RK’ and ‘AM’.

After a short adjournment, the Commission again commenced its proceedings summoning Aloysius’ personal assistant Steve Samuel to testify after the conclusion of the testimonies of two Ministers.

At this moment Counsel Jeewantha Jayathileke who was appearing on behalf of Steve Samuel said that he was informed in the morning that his client had been admitted to the Coronary Care Unit (CCU) at the Asiri Hospital, which is the emergency unit for cardiac problems.

He said his client had been diagnosed with some chest pain and currently running a full investigation and at the moment the medical reports are just about to be sent to the Commission. And he also undertook to tender the Medical reports to the Commission once he received them.

Mr. Jayatileke said that Samuel had been present on every day even yesterday and this was a genuine problem and not to avoid the Commission.

Justice Prasanna Jayawardena at this point told the Counsel “One of the reasons that Samuel was called was because as you know there were some text messages referring to files maintained by PTL for certain persons, so we want to see those files”

Justice Jayawardena asked Counsel Jayatilleke to ask Mr. Samuel to produce those files to the Commission even if he is unable to come.

“We would expect those files to be produced before the Commission in the course of today for the perusal of the Commission”, Justice Jayawardena said.

“We have also endeavored to serve summons on Mr. Arjun Aloysius and Geoffrey Aloysius with regard to those files, and apparently they are difficult to locate. The Counsel who was representing Aloysius is here, so kindly inform him to ensure to notice his client to deliver the files in the course of today”, Justice Jayawardena said.

Justice Jayawardena also said “And tell him kindly that we will not consider a failure to produce those files, very kindly.”

Counsel Jayatilleke also said that notices have been received by Aloysius as well with regard to the said files.

However, he said according to the instructions received from his client, Aloysius’ Personal Assistant ‘Steve Samuel is not in possession of any of those files at the moment’.

Mr. Jayatilleke also undertook to submit an affidavit pertaining to the notice sent by the Commission previously and the Medical report and medical history supporting his condition.

At this point Justice Jayawardena said that the Commission also wants to know as to who were the persons referred to as ‘AM’ and ‘RK’ in those text messages from Steve Samuel.
Mr. Jayatilleke then suggested that his client can answer whatever the questions the Commission wishes to ask in an affidavit if that questionnaire would be given in a notice in the event if his client Steve Samuel is unable to attend the Commission due to his medical condition.

“We will cross that bridge later; first you produce medical reports tomorrow to substantiate your submission. Also we want to see those files”, Justice Jayawardena emphasized.

However, in the absence of Steve Samuel the Commission called former EPF dealer Saman Kumara to testify before the Commission.

The Commission questioned the witness after playing two voice recordings in which PABC dealer Raveesha and EPF dealer Saman Kumara were negotiating a deal.

Justice Prasanna Jayawardena: There was a deal happening after these conversations, right?

Witness Saman Kumara: Yes

Justice Jayawardena: You were the dealer at EPF in October and November 2015, right?

W: Yes

J: So, every deal of EPF gets recorded in the CBSL system (Lanka Settle System and Lanka Secure System)?

W: Yes

J: And these details regarding to the EPF deals would transpire in the daily reports as well, right?

W: Yes. But some may not be there considering the settlement date.

J: Apart from that other details are there, right?

W: Yes

At this point the Commission asked counsel of the Attorney General’s Department whether they have any questions to ask. However, Additional Solicitor General Dappula De Livera said that they have no questions to ask from Saman Kumara as well. (Shehan Chamika Silva)

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