Arrest me if I did anything wrong: Ven. Uduwe Dhammaloka

Ven. Uduwe Dhammaloka Thera, who is presently at the centre of a controversy for allegedly possessing an elephant sans a permit, yesterday challenged the authorities to arrest him if nurturing an elephant calf that had been abandoned in his temple was an unlawful act.

“I only nurtured an elephant calf that was abandoned in my temple. If I did something wrong to care for it then take me into custody,” the Thera said at a news conference held at the Allen Mathiniyaramaya Temple. Before this I have looked after four elderly fathers, a large number of cats and dogs. The elephant calf is also the same, the thera said.

These remarks were made after a decision was taken by the Attorney General to order the arrest of the prelate. If that were the case the Thera had advised his attorneys to make sure that he would not be sent to the Prison Hospital and said he preferred a regular cell instead. He welcomed donations of Rs.10 from anyone wishing to help which he said should be sent to the temple, as he had no money for legal fees to lawyers if he was arrested. (Jayantha Samarakoon)

Video by Rishan

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