Bribery Com. files case against Keheliya

The Bribery Commission (BC) has filed a case against former media minister Keheliya Rambukwella and former State Printing Corporation chairman Jayampathi Bandara Hinkenda for causing a loss to the government by obtaining Rs.230,984 to pay the former minister’s phone bill.

The BC said the government provided a monthly allowance of Rs.40,000 to ministers to pay their monthly phone bill but the former minister’s bill had inflated his bill.

It said Mr. Rambukwella had obtained funds by using SPC vouchers in a fraudulent manner to settle his phone bill and had conspired with Mr. Hinkenda to so.

In addition 13 other bribery cases have been filed against Mr. Hinkenda for causing a loss of Rs.75 million to the government. The case was fixed for July 17. (By Yoshitha Perera)

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