CEO of Perpetual Treasuries removed from Bond Commission

The Chief Executive Officer of Perpetual Treasuries Ltd., Kasun Palisena, who was present inside the Bond Commission while evidence relating to the phone conversations that took place between him and Bank of Ceylon Treasuries Division, Chief Dealer Mr. Dharmapala were leading, was ordered to leave the Court room by the Commission.

The Commission advised the Counsel that appeared on behalf of Perpetual Treasuries Ltd., that he should have informed the Commission regarding Kasun Palisena’s presence, prior to the evidence relating to him being lead before the Commission.

Additional Solicitor General (ASG) Dappulada Livera argued that the Counsel’s conduct of not informing such a person’s presence inside the Commission was highly questionable, because Mr. Palisena could fashion his future evidence on the Commission listening to what Mr. Dharmapala said today before Court.

However, the Counsel officially apologized to the Commission and said it was not deliberately done as mentioned by the ASG, since his sole intention was to get instructions from Mr. Palisena in order to cross examine the witness, considering the time constraints of the Commission. (Shehan Chamika Silva)

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