The COVID-19 death toll in the country soared to 1,210 after 32 more deaths were confirmed by the Director-General of Health Services, the Government Information Department said.
Comments - 3
Comments - COVID-19 death toll climbs to 1,210 with 32 more deaths
Dingi Maama Monday, 24 May 2021 05:48 AM
Who should be responsible for all these deaths. All should remember Sri Lanka is a an ISLAND in the Indian ocean, just like New Zealand in the pacific ocean. The birds or flying insects were not responsible. Who really dropped the ball?
Selvakumar Monday, 24 May 2021 06:19 AM
It's to bad for corona///
Demuni Uduwara Monday, 24 May 2021 04:28 PM
People should not be sacrificed due to rulers' inefficiency, inexperience and lethargy.
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