Can SF attend Parliament wearing uniform, asks Vasu

Joint opposition MP Vasudewa Nanayakkara today asked in parliament whether Minister, Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka could attend parliament proceedings and functions held in parliament wearing the army uniform.

Chief Government Whip Gayantha Karunathilaka said the minister could attend public functions in army uniform but there was an accepted criteria when it came to the attire worn when attending Parliament.

Speaker Karu Jayasuriya said he would look into the matter and inform parliament soon.

The MP asked the Prime Minister whether the minister was still attached to the army in the capacity of a Field Marshal and if so whether he had the right to function as an MP and a minister.

Mr. Karunathilaka in his response said Field Marshal Fonseka was no longer attached to the Sri Lankan Army and there was no obstacle in him functioning as an MP and a minister as he was a retired army officer. (Ajith Siriwardana and Yohan Perera)

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