Cardinal urges UNHRC to ensure impartial probe into Easter Sunday attacks

Archbishop of Colombo Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith today requested the UNHRC to support in ensuring an impartial investigation into the Easter Sunday attacks. 
Speaking during the UNHRC sessions in Geneva, Cardinal Ranjith urged the UNHRC to support Sri Lanka in gathering vital information on the Easter Sunday attacks. 
"Three years have passed since the dreaded attack and we are still in the dark, not having any knowledge as to what really happened that day. We call upon the UNHRC to support Sri Lanka in gathering more vital  information on the Easter Sunday attacks and ensure an impartial investigation," the Cardinal said. 
"The rights of those who were affected by the attacks have been violated as the government has failed to mete out justice to them," he added. 
"We initially thought the mayhem.was the work of a few Islamic youth but we suspect now that it is a part of a grand political plot," he also said. (Yohan Perera)

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