Central Provincial Councillors on study tour to Russia

It is reported that another group of Central Provincial Councillors have been given the opportunity to travel to Russia at the expense of the Provincial Council, despite a Presidential directive suspending such foreign visits, a senior politican said.

After news reports that 28 Provincial Councillors and 7 officers were planning an overseas trip with Council funds in Spetember, the President issued a directive suspending such trips.  

However, a senior politician in the Council said they would visit Russia on a study tour to supplement their knowledge with the advanced technologies used in the developed country to boost development in the Central Province and to uplift the living standard of the people.

He said the group would include 30 members and three senior officials. However, the politician concerned said the air fares and other payments already made from the council funds would not be refunded if the tour was cancelled.

Meanwhile a senior official of the Provincial Council said the government had approved the visit in Russia for a second group of members.(J.A.L.Jayasinghe)

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