Chief Prelates want laws against ideologies harming Buddhism

In the wake of recent incidents of groups spreading false ideologies about Buddhism, the Chief Prelates (Mahanayaka Theros) from all three Buddhist Chapters in Sri Lanka have issued a joint letter to President Ranil Wickremesinghe, calling for the implementation of laws against such groups.

Expressing concern over the perceived threat to Buddhist philosophy and cultural values, the Chief Prelates emphasized that the actions of these groups can no longer be dismissed as isolated incidents.

The Mahanayaka Theros underscored the need to move beyond merely addressing individual events and urged the formulation of legal provisions to prevent the recurring distortion of Buddhist principles, referred to as 'Dharma distortions' and 'Sasana distortions.' 

They highlighted the urgency of creating legal measures to combat individuals promoting such distortions through social media, causing social disturbances within the Buddhist community.

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