Constitution-making: Sampanthan urges UNP-SLFP consensus

Opposition Leader R. Sampanthan, who is also the leader of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) said the UNP and the SLFP must put aside their petty political agendas join together to ensure the success of the constitutional-making process.

He said it was essential for the two parties to take collective decisions so that the country would have a Constitution, based on a national consensus.

“This is an urgent need for the country,” Mr. Sampanthan said during a meeting with Singapore's Foreign Affairs Minister Vivian Balakrishnan in Colombo on Tuesday.

The TNA Leader apprised the visiting Foreign Affairs Minister of the current political situation with regard to the Constitutional-making process and stressed the need for continuing with the Unity Government to bring this process to a successful end.

Referring to the issues faced by the Tamil People in the North and East, Mr. Sampanthan highlighted the slow progress in resolving the relevant issues. He said the Northern people were requesting for a process which would ascertain the truth, and that this appeal could not be delayed any longer.

Mr. Sampanthan welcomed the efforts by the Singapore Government on promoting investments in Sri Lanka and requested the visiting minister to give priority to programmes which would provide skills development and employment opportunities to the young people in the North and East.

The Foreign Affairs Minister appreciated the efforts of the Opposition Leader and noted that his role as the leader of the Tamil National Alliance was a difficult task. “I salute you for your courage and perseverance,” he added.

TNA Jaffna district parliamentarian and spokesmon M.A. Sumanthiran was also present at the meeting.

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