Death of 16 year old girl at Badiudeen’s residence: JMO says girl was raped

Residents of the area yesterday staged a protest compelling the authorities to hold a formal investigation into the death of a 16 year old girl at former Minister Rishan Badiudeen’s residence who had died of serious burn injuries. The victim J.Ishalini was a resident of Diagama West in Agarapathana

The protest organised by the Kandurata Janatha Peramuna in front of the clock tower in Hatton was led by the Nuwara Eliya district Jathika Samagi Balavegaya Parliamentarian and leader of the Kandurata Janatha Peramuna V.Radha Krishnan .

The 16 year old girl J.Ishalini had found employment in the former minister’s residence at Bauddhaloka Mawatha Colombo through an individual from Diagama. She had received serious burn injuries on July 03 and sucumbed to her injuries on July 15 at the hospital.

However, the JMO of the Borella hospital who performed the postmortem examination had reported that she had been raped.

The protestors including Parliamentarian Radha Krishnan pointed out that in view of the postmortem report the authorities should hold a formal inquiry and arrest the individuals who raped the girl. He stressed that responsibility of the authorities was to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents to provide protection to the hundreds of estate sector children employed in Colombo and several other areas.(Ranjith Rajapakse and Manura Sellahewa)

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