Don't change provisions on NF, NA, Buddhism: JO

In its proposals to the Steering Committee on Constitutional Reforms, the joint opposition (JO) has said the constitutional provisions on matters such as the National Flag (NF) and National Anthem (NA)and the status accorded to Buddhism should in no way be compromised.

The JO states that sovereignty rested in the people and was inalienable according to the current constitution and should be retained unchanged. It said the Territory of the Republic as in Article 5 of the 1978 Constitution should be preserved.

JO parliamentary group leader Dinesh Gunawardane, who is a member of the Steering Committee. has together with MP Prasanna Gunawardane signed the document outlining the proposals.

The proposals state that the amalgamation of provinces should not be allowed under any circumstance and the Prime Minister should be elected by Parliament while the Leader of the Opposition has to be elected by parliamentarians in the Opposition.

The JO has called for the enhancing of the list of subjects of the local authorities and that the provincial council system should not endanger the unitary state and its security with provincial councils exercising their powers subject to the executive and legislative powers of the centre. (Kelum Bandara)

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