Furore over new code of ethics at Jaffna uni.

Student unions have protested against the proposed code of ethics formulated by the Jaffna university’s Administration officials for students.

University administration has decided that dress and the appearance should be in keeping with student culture. The code of ethics bans beards and states that the female students must wear sarees on Fridays. It also bans students and academic staff attending classes in denim jeans and T-shirts.

However, the university administration said the dress code was not mandatory but optional with the students free to accept or reject it.

Jaffna University Student Union Convenor T.Sahidaran said the proposed code of ethics was an attempt to deprive the students of their freedom and their rights. He said the representatives of the student union would take up this matter with the university administration and, that if the talks failed they would launch a protest campaign to have the proposed scheme abolished.

Arts Faculty Dean Prof. V.Gnanakumaran said the proposed code of ethics would be implemented in consultation with the student unions and that it was still under consideration.(Romesh Madusanka)


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