Gotabaya Rajapaksa has resigned as the President of Sri Lanka, Speaker of Parliament announced a short while ago. 

Ranil Wickremesinghe will be sworn in as the President later today as an interim President till the conclusion of electing a new President by Parliament, the Speaker added. 

Speaker's formal announcement is as follows -
Under the section 38.1 (b) of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka I have received the resignation letter of His Excellency the President Gotabaya Rajapaksa . Accordingly,  effective from 14 July 2022 , from this point forth the President has legally resigned from his legal duties and responsibilities. Under these circumstances, the constitutional procedure of appointing a new President will now be activated. Until this constitutional procedure is over, according to the constitution the Prime Minister will function in the capacity of the President overseeing functions, duties, and powers of the office of the President. 
As informed by me at the Party Leaders meeting convened on the subject of selecting the President, the President will be selected according to the provisions of the Special Provisions Act No. 2 of 1981 and the Article 40 of the Constitution. It is my intention to complete this procedure successfully and speedily. As the oldest democracy in the South Asian region holding Democratic traditions sacred, completing this process in a transparent and Democratic manner would be a milestone not only in the history of Sri Lanka, but also of the Democratic history of the world. 
Therefore, I would like to request maximum cooperation for this Democratic process from all party leaders, state officials, and security forces. My special appeal to our respected and dear citizens of Sri Lanka is to create the peaceful environment that will allow all members of Parliament to attend Parliament freely and act according to their conscience. Under such an environment, with the help of all responsible, I intend to conclude the above process within a short period of seven days. Accordingly, the notice is hereby given that the Parliament will convene of the 16th of this month (16.07.2022) and all members are requested to attend on that day. 
I thank you all for the support extended. 

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