GSP+: Committee to look into Muslim Marriage, Divorce Act

A committee had been appointed to consider reforms to the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act to the norms stipulated in international conventions, Cabinet Co-Spokesman Gayantha Karunathilaka said today.

He said as some provisions in the Muslim Law, including the minimum age of marriage, were not in conform with the norms stipulated in international conventions, which Sri Lanka was holding membership, and that it was necessary to amend those provisions.

While addressing the media Law and Order and Southern Development Minister Sagala Ratnayake said the country had to obey the international conventions as in a situation like preparing to get the GSP +.

“Amending of the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act is also a part of international protocol, which is a requirement to obtain GSP +,” he said.

Accordingly, the proposal had been made by the Justice Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe to appoint a Cabinet Sub-committee to make proposals to the Cabinet regarding suitable amendments to the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act. (Chaturanga Pradeep)

Video by Rishan

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