Gammanpila questions new CB Governor's integrity

Pivithuru Hela Urumaya (PHU) General Secretary Udaya Gammanpila today said they had no doubt about new Central Bank Governor Dr. Indrajit Coomaraswamy’s capabilities since he was an experienced and a qualified person, but they had questions about his integrity.

“He was charged in an insider trading case. Founder of the Galleon Group, an American-based investment fund management firm Raj Rajaratnam was jailed for 11-years in that case. In 2009, when the incident took place, our newly appointed Central Bank Governor was an adviser to the group. Further, he worked as a director of a subsidiary company of the Galleon Group,” Mr. Gammanpila said.

He claimed that Mr. Rajaratnam, who employed Dr. Coomaraswamy, was a person who funded the LTTE.

"The Government’s decision to appoint Dr. Coomaraswamy to replace former CB Governor Arjuna Mahendran is similar to exchanging ginger for chilli," Mr. Gammanpila said.

He said the 66-year-old Dr. Coomaraswamy would not be able to handle nationally responsible job because at that age he would lack the physical and mental fitness for it. (Piyumi Fonseka)


Video by Sanjeewa


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