Give me time: President to UN Chief

President Maitripala Sirisena said today he had told visiting UN Secretary General (UNSG) Ban Ki-moon to give him time to “move slowly” as the country had come out of a long conflict.

At a meeting with media heads at the President’s House the President said following the official meeting with the UNSG on Thursday evening, he had a one-to-one meeting of about ten minutes with him as well.

He said Mr. Ban was appreciative of the efforts taken by the government to restore democracy, media freedom, establish independent commissions and the moves to bring about reconciliation and added that Mr. Ban had assured that the UN would provide Sri Lanka with whatever assistance was necessary in this regard.

The President said that releasing of land to the displaced persons living in camps was moving steadily and was confident that the process could be completed in another three months. He said there were problems with regard to surveying of land and that had caused some of the delays.

The President said he told Mr. Ban that when he visits the North some of the people there would tell him that the Government had not done anything and needs to expedite matters. He said he told the UNSG that he needed time to move slowly as the country had come out of a long- drawn conflict.

The President said Mr. Ban did not tell him to do such and such a thing within such and such a time and that his smile conveyed much appreciation of the work that the Government was carrying out.

To a question asked by the media about some of the protests that had taken place on the release of lands in certain places in the North, the President said he had actually expected more protests and fasts in the North to coincide with the visit of Mr. Ban. However, he said that though there were reasons behind the protests there were also certain extremist groups and persons who stir things up. The President said when action was taken to survey the land there were organised moves to oppose it and that when the land is given there are some who go and tell the people not to take it.

He said this was being done by persons and groups who want the problem to continue so that they can show it to the world.

On the SLFP's 65th anniversary and convention to be held in Kurunegala on Sunday, the President said it would take the party in a new direction and was hopeful that everyone close to the party would participate. He said there was public opinion in the country at times of crisis and that the all political forces should come together for the sake of the country.

The President said similarly the country was facing several issues at UNHRC in Geneva and had a foreign debt of Rs.9,000 billion. He said to face these issues the political forces in the country needed to come together but that this could done while safeguarding the identity of these political forces.

When asked what he meant when he said in Matara a fortnight ago that more secrets would be revealed if a new party was formed, he laughed and said what he meant were political secrets and not files as understood by some.

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