IPPBA to launch countrywide strike from Dec. 1

The Inter-Provincial Private Bus Association (IPPBA) today warned it would launch a countrywide bus strike from December 1 if the government failed to rescind the proposal to impose a fine of Rs.25,000 for traffic offences.

IPPBA President Sarath Vijitha Kumara said yesterday the strike would continue for five days, if the President did not intervene in sorting out this matter.

Transport Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva had announced on Monday that the Government would impose this fine in respect of traffic offences including speeding, drunk driving and overtaking on the left. All-island Bus Operators Association President Stanley Fernando said the strike would be launched in collaboration with all bus associations including motorcycle associations and container associations in the 16 districts.

“The decisions were taken without considering the people and only concerned about the satisfying a few parties,” he said.

Private bus operators had earlier threatened to strike if the proposal to increase the minimum fine of Rs 2,500 was not removed.

“This is the first time such a decision was taken to increase fines for traffic offences through a budget proposal. The decision to impose a fixed amount of Rs.25,000 is unfair. Earlier the Transport Minister had not interfered in such matters but this time the decision was taken by the minister himself," Mr. Fernando said.

He said the minister was not concerned about the people or their incomes.

“Unlike ministers, poor drivers don’t have that much of income to maintain a family. The only person who supports such a large fine is the Lanka Private Bus Owners' Association, President Gemunu Wijeratne,” Mr. Fernando said. “The government should take the blame of the inconvenience caused to people. The laws applicable to the people should be applicable to MPs. They never adhere to road rules nor is any legal action taken against them." (Chaturanga Pradeep)

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