Isuru Devapriya to reveal JO conspiracy with UNP

Western Province Chief Minister Isuru Devapriya said today he would reveal the Joint Opposition’s conspiracy with the UNP to save the Rajapaksa family in the future.

He said SLFP supporters should join with President Maithiripala Sirisena and SLFP ministers if they wanted to form a government or strengthen the SLFP and added that only they could form a government.

“We could have formed a government if President Maithiripala Sirisena was allowed to field new team and contest the August 17 election. Then, Wimal Weerawana and Dinesh Gunawardane will not have to organize Paada Yathra like this,” he told a news conference held in Colombo today.

Mr. Devapriya asked whether former President Mahinda Rajapaksa was happy now by organizing Paada Yathra to divide the SLFP. (Indika Sri Aravinda)


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