JHU wants total crackdown on ex-LTTEers in NE

The Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) today claimed that ex-LTTE cadres might be behind the criminal activities taking place in the Northern and Eastern Provinces and called for a total crackdown on the 12,600 of them who were released after rehabilitation.

"The Government should carry out a thorough check on all former LTTEers to determine their current circumstances and activities and arrest if found to be connected to any criminal activities," JHU National Organiser Nishantha Sri Warnasinghe told a media briefing.

He claimed that two underground criminal gangs known as the ‘Aava Group’ and the ‘Baava Group’ allegedly led by ex-LTTEers are terrorising people in the Northern Province by indulging in thefts, crimes, kidnapping, extortion and other criminal activities.

Mr. Warnasinghe said they felt that ex-LTTEers who had fought against our security forces with their well-trained skills in the battlefield should not be released after a few months of rehabilitation.

“They still have their old attitudes prompting them to carry out anti-social activities. They are violating the peace, law and order in the provinces. Therefore, it is high time for the government to direct the law enforcement to put a stop to this chaotic situation,” he said.

Describing the deaths of the two Jaffna University students as unfortunate, he said the law should be enforced in all parts of the country without fear or favour regardless of caste, creed or social status.

Referring to the sword attack on the two Intelligent Service officers in Chunnakam, he said retaliation against the alleged police shooting was unacceptable because the law has to take its course.
Meanwhile, he said the Tamil politicians in the two provinces were responsible for the chaotic situation there because they were falling over each other to gain political mileage from what's happening there. (Piyumi Fonseka)

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