Lady doctor, lawyer arrested for biting two WPCs

A lady doctor of a Government hospital, and a lady lawyer had been taken into custody by the Welikada Police for obstructing the duty of two women Police Constables by biting them.

It is alleged that the lady doctor, who entered the Police station had compelled the Crime Branch OIC to arrest a suspect, who she believed had burgled her house and to recover the stolen goods.

However, the Police officer explained that the suspect, who was discharged in 2012 by Court, when she, as complainant, failed to attend Court to give evidence, could not be arrested again.

The lady doctor had abused the Police officer in foul language, held him by the uniform and assaulted her.

Her sister, a lady lawyer, rushed to the Police Station on hearing that her sister had been arrested also behaved in an unruly manner and bit the hands of two women PCs.

The unruly incident disrupted the functioning of the Police Station for about three hours.

The two suspects were produced before Colombo Magistrate and were released on personal bail of Rs.500, 000 each.

The two women Police Constables had undergone treatment at a Government hospital for the minor injuries.

A senior Police officer said the suspect who burgled the doctor’s house and took away valuables in 2010, was produced in court and whenever the case was taken up, the complainant was absent to give evidence.

The case was repeatedly called at times till 2012 and ultimately the suspect was discharged due to the absence of the complainant.(Muditha Dayananda)


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