‘Mehema Epa’ Chandrika, ‘Mehema Epa’: MR

Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa today said ‘hatred and jealousy’ are two qualities his predecessor Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga shouldn’t possess.

Responding to a journalist following an event held at the BMICH, Mr. Rajapaksa said hatred was visible through former President Kumaratunga as she was aging.     

He said if there was an issue with his education, which was criticized by Ms. Kumaratunga, it should be raised by the Supreme Court judges as he was sworn-in as a lawyer in the Supreme Court.

“She is behaving like this, with jealousy and hatred as she ages. Don’t stoop to this level (Mehema epa Chandrika, Mehema epa). That’s all I have to say,” he said.   

The rest of the questions and answers are as follows,  

Q: Is Ms. Kumaratunga educated?

A: I’m not going to comment on that. You better ask her.

Q: But Minister S.B. Dissanayake has commented on that.

A: Exactly, you should ask about that from SB.

Over the weekend, former president Kumaratunga said none of the Rajapaksas possesed an education which exceeded grade 8 level.

Video by Sanjeewa

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