More secrets will be revealed when new party formed-MS

President Maithripala Sirisena who seemed to be in an aggressive mood said he will disclose secrets about some opposition politicians as and when they form a new political party.

President Sirisena was addressing a rally in Matara to mark the first anniversary of the joint-government by the UNP and SLFP on Friday evening.

“Some are trying to form a new party to regain power. I challenge them to do so. We will disclose what we have maintained as secrets and politically wipe out those who form new parties. They will never be allowed to come to power again," the President said. 

Some people are asking us as to what we have done during the past year. I would like to tell them that we have deleted the words electric chair and war tribunal from our dictionary," he said.

Also he said the foundation had been laid to pull the country from the rupees nine trillion debt trap. "Those who question us are the ones who pushed the country into the debt trap," he also said.

"Those who question us on our achievements should actually ask as to what would have happened to the country had they remained in power," The President said.

Speaking further the President said he would deal severely with those who engage in corruption and misuse of funds. He actually approved the proposal made by the movement for just society convener Sarath Wijesuriya who spoke at the rally earlier. "I would like to second the proposal of Prof. Wijesuriya and let me clearly state that the punishment given to those in my government for corruption and misuse of state funds will be severely that the punishment given to corrupt people in the previous government," he said.

Commenting on the future of the joint government, Mr. Sirisena said both parties will review on the joint approach only in 2020.(Yohan Perera and Krishan Jeewak Jayaruk)


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