Oppose UN resolution on SL, Vaiko tells Modi

India's MDMK general secretary Vaiko on Friday urged the Indian government to oppose the resolution in the United Nations that would give two more years to Sri Lanka to submit its report based on investigation into alleged war crimes against the Tamils.

“With all sincerity and anguish, I would request you that the Indian Government should oppose this resolution,” he said. If India supported the resolution, then it would be recorded in the history as a country that supported the genocide of Tamils, he warned in his letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. A copy of the letter was released to the media here.

Noting that Tamils were terribly shocked to know that the US, the UK, Northern Ireland and Macedonia had sponsored a resolution in the UNHRC, He said the “most unkindest cut” was the newly added provision that said only with the Sri Lankan government’s consent foreign jurists, lawyers, rapporteurs could enter Sri Lanka in relation to this issue.(The Hindu)

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