Opposition leader’s post: Improper for some MPs to criticize my ruling

Speaker Karu Jayasuriya said today it was improper and unacceptable for some MPs to criticize his decision on the opposition leader’s post and insult him via the media.

The Speaker’s office said in a statement that the tradition in democratic countries in the world was to accept the speaker’s ruling and if unable to do so to take further action democratically.

It said a decent society would not accept any criticism by MPs when the opinion given was not to their liking.

“Speaker Jayasuriya has acted impartially and devoid of political interference since his appointment on September 1, 2015,” the statement said.

It is unreasonable to make baseless allegations without realizing the background for appointments of previous opposition leaders and the present appointment which was the first appointment under the national government concept.

The speaker said he gave the ruling after studying the opinions expressed by the experts on parliament democracy, world parliamentary traditions, the countries representing the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Commonwealth.

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