Prez urged to obtain full interpretation of Article 9 from SC

The Buddha Sasana Karya Sadhaka Mandalaya comprising some 15 prominent Buddhist organizations in a letter to the President has requested him to obtain a comprehensive interpretation of Article 9 of the Constitution and take necessary steps to implement it.

The letter signed by the joint secretaries of the Mandalaya, Most Ven. Tirukunamale Ananda Maha Nayaka Thera and Ven. Professor Agalakada Sirisumana Thera states that this is necessary because of the insults levelled at the Buddha; the distortion of the Dhamma and the belittling of the Buddhist cultural traditions that are taking place under the cover of the freedom of expression and democracy.

The Karya Sadhaka Mandalaya whose patrons are the Mahanayaka Theras of all three Nikayas includes prominent Buddhist organizations such as the All Ceylon Buddhist Congress, Dharma Vijaya Foundation, Colombo YMBA, All Ceylon Women’s Buddhist Congress, Maha Bodhi Society, Shanthi Foundation and the Buddhist Lawyers’ Association.

The letter states: “We consider it a constitutional obligation of the government to prevent the continuous insults on the Buddha, the distortion of the Dhamma and the belittling of the Buddhist cultural traditions by taking cover behind Democracy and Freedom of Expression prevailing in the country.

"We would like to appreciate the recent steps taken by Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe and the Government to ban the distasteful book titled “Budunge Rastiyaduwa” written with commercial intent by insulting the Buddha and belittling the great renunciation and enlightenment and also to ban the radio drama series produced by the government’s reconciliation office.

"No intellectual or wise person who appreciates civility and social values would approve of the statement made by a government minister that the ban was a false act that should not have been done, and the statements made by a highly opinionated group among the artistes who prefer certain political ideologies above Buddhist cultural values, finding fault with the government over the ban. The arguments put forward by them are meaningless and empty.

"These processes along with the spreading of intoxicants and drugs in the country are done with the intention of corrupting and destroying the much appreciated Sri Lankan value systems and thinking patterns. It shows that these are done to fulfil foreign wishes.

"Therefore, Your Excellency, the Buddha Sasana Karya Sadhaka Mandalaya is informing you to obtain a comprehensive interpretation of Article 9 of the Constitution from the Supreme Court as requested quite some time ago by the late Ven. Madihe Pannasiha Maha Nayaka Thera and the people, and implement it as a solution to such problems created to obstruct religious and social harmony and reconciliation in the country.

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