Ragging: Ministry mulls Indian model

The Higher Education Ministry has instructed university authorities to explore the possibility of setting up a system outside their purview, as in India, to entertain complaints by freshers subjected to ragging, Minister Lakshman Kiriella said yesterday.

Mr. Kiriella told Daily Mirror that an Indian academic had, at a recent seminar, outlined how the Indian Supreme Court had ordered the setting up of a mechanism whereby aggrieved students could complain to an authority outside the university system.

“India has a non-governmental authority to hear the complaints. Complaints can be lodged online. We have asked the universities here whether it is feasible to have a similar system here,” he said.

He said, “Today, students are reluctant to complain to the Vice Chancellors. They find it embarrassing to do so. A non-governmental authority outside the university system was discussed recently at a seminar". (Kelum Bandara)

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